Posts Tagged 'barrel'

Maverick Modding, pt.4

Just some updated photos to clarify what’s been done previously:

Here's where the spokes sat inside the chambers as I was saying the other day, now removed and nicely filed down.

Here are those two springs in front of the barrel, as previously mentioned. They do actually help!

Laura's Maverick with standard barrel next to mine with the so-called 'roulette' barrel mod.

Some more new mod updates coming very soon!

Maverick Modding, pt.2

Starting with the easiest bits first, after having taken my Maverick apart I began by working on the barrel. Basically, in factory-fresh mode the button on the side of the gun allows the barrel to drop out just far enough for you to get at one chamber cleanly, for reloading.  You then have to spin for each one and it’s tiresome, downright tiresome. So instead I decided to file down the little catch that sits on the hinge holding the barrel into place so that it’ll drop out and hopefully give me enough room to see at least four chambers at once. Tip if you’re doing this yourself: make sure that it’s completely flush.

This obviously isn't completely flush, but I didn't take a 'before' picture so this should still help locate the bit I'm on about.

After doing this I also needed to get rid of the little  catch that’s moulded onto the left hand side of the casing, just behind where the barrel sits. Quick and easy slice off with the Stanley knife again, and filed to a smooth surface for completion’s sake.

A proper 'before' picture. Ignore how grim it looks, that's just the residual crap from me filing off the safety warnings.

Next step: catching some sweet air.

Maverick Modding

My disassembled Maverick

Here is the first installment of in-progress shots as I modify my Nerf N-Strike Maverick – against the background of my shiny new gaming mat. Obviously I haven’t done much other than take it apart at the moment – although that itself took some doing and I required the respective assistance and tools of Barrett and Dave for the task (cheers fellas). Now, all Nerf guns that I have seen recently have carried the same safety precaution written on the side (it’s a bugger to file off smoothly, believe me):

To avoid injury: Use only darts designed for this product. Do not modify darts or dart blaster.

I don’t know about injury, but I certainly know about frustration. The screws are sunk quite deep into the plastic casing and through a combination of £1 screwdriver kits and my ill-contained eagerness to get started I did manage to complete ruin the heads of a couple of them before I could get them out. This meant prying the two halves apart and just hoping that nothing snapped. It also means that one or two screws definitely aren’t going back in, but this is fine since I intend to use modelling putty to cover all the unseemly screws, etc.

Next step: Filing down the catch on the hinge holding the barrels to the gun for maximum loading potential.

Welcome to my blog.
