Posts Tagged 'NDE'

A post about… N.D.E.s

I was without internet for a little while at the tail end of last week and haven’t posted properly in a while. I do have some reading list posts in the works (McCarthy, Bulgakov and Faulkner – hell yeah) but just for now I wanted to mention what happened to me last night. So, without further ado…

The near-death experience, it’s just something of interest.

Now I’m not suggesting that I had a near-death experience, not for one second, as that would be rather melodramatic and simply untrue. However, it’s one of those things that tend to get mentioned when talking about religious experience/the existence of God. I’m feeling lazy after work this morning and a shoddy night’s sleep, so I will simply quote Wikipedia at you. The term near-death experience…

…refers to a broad range of personal experiences associated with impending death, encompassing multiple possible sensations including detachment from the body; feelings of levitation; extreme fear; total serenity, security, or warmth; the experience of absolute dissolution; and the presence of a light, which some people interpret as a deity.”

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